
How To Get Free Credit Report Canada With My Credit Score

Why do I need to check my free credit report Canada with my credit score?

Learning the basics of the credit report process helps you in maintaining your good financial health because credit bureau collects and maintains how you are doing with your financial responsibility, and to provide it for the people and the organizations who need to find out, have a direct concern and interest in your financial histories like your employer, business partner or a lender, where your credit score shows your credit risk or advantage. It’s a number that has been calculated through a mathematical formula that measures assorted variables in your credit reports such as your payment history, public records, and debt to income ratio. Here in Canada, according to Equifax’s ScorePower Report, FICO scores range between 300 (bad credit rating) and 900 (excellent credit rating), where the lowest number shows you have been suffering from a critical and a bad credit situation likely to default and high credit score brings more and more advantages like if you are applying for a loan your interest rates depends on it, rates will be higher if your credit score is low and in case of high credit rating you will get best possible lower rates. The one big investment is your mortgage and most people know how good a score has brought thousands of dollars in savings to their mortgage repayments. Your Credit score brings an instant summary that holds just three numerical digits to know your creditability.

Getting a free credit report in Canada holds more advantages for Canadian residents in relation to the American residents but a lot of people here in Canada even don’t bother to check their credit profile, this may also be possible that they don’t know if they are entitled to a free credit report or not. Although you will be offered a free credit report in Canada it doesn’t mean that it holds your credit score rating attached. Possibilities are, you may or may not get your credit score with your free credit report, “How To Get Free Credit Report Canada With My Credit Score”, lets clear this phrase.

There are a lot of options you may order your credit report, like by phone, fax, e-mail, general mail or online form but getting your credit report at your physical address through your mail request and instant delivery through internet media are the safest and easiest methods.

By mail it’s free! The credit-reporting agencies will provide you, by mail, with a free copy of your report on receiving your request in writing. Getting a free credit report this way will not provide you with your credit score and it also takes some days to reach you.

By Internet, some fees apply! You can also order your credit report through TransUnion and Equifax Canada from these reporting agencies’ websites online. This method is quite easy, safe and fast since you will receive your credit report online almost instantly, may take just few minutes after you made your request and another good thing you will award with your credit score too. However, these credit-reporting agencies charge a small fee for providing you with an online copy of your credit report and score.

How to get free credit report online that contains your free credit score?

The only way you can obtain your credit score through online applications supplied by these two credit reporting agencies’ on their websites. The fee charged for your credit score might be higher than the cost of receiving your credit report online. However, the cost of your credit score will always include an online copy of your credit report. Moreover, your paid credit report subscription also includes several other features these companies may have but a common one is offering you your credit identity protection. The intention of writing these few sentences up is just to make it clear for you that a free credit report with a free credit score can only be obtainable through these credit reporting companies online, TransUnion and Equifax Canada and it does hold a cost. Now the question stands here then how this advertising media is using the phrases free credit report Canada like “free credit score Canada” “free credit report Canada online”, “free credit report Canada Equifax”, “free credit report Canada TransUnion”, “Equifax free credit report Canada” and more like these.

You know how this advertising environment has been so tightening enough today when we have plenty of platforms to select products and services we require and this kind of market behaviour and customer’s trend in finding opportunities the main suppliers, producers and marketers are just trying to reach their market and consumers beside trying to balance their own business competitiveness, such kind of aggressive statements that looks golden opportunities, make them prominent to be readily click-able are not false but it requires some limitations attached. That’s why (Federal Trade Commission) FTC new rules implemented early this year in America to restrict such free credit report offering through these credit reporting agencies to safeguard consumers interest from such free credit report scam happening by printing these sentences as bellow:

You have the right to a free credit report from or 877-322-8228, the ONLY authorized source under federal law.“

It’s compulsory by law to print this above statement on the website’s web pages that contain such free credit report offering and those companies could face fines for not expressing full disclosure about free reports. Although it’s an American rule for the American websites we should adopt it on ethical grounds till it’s not come up as legislation. How this is true we can have our credit report in Canada free online that holds our free credit score?

You will find several websites offering you 7 days, 15 days, 30 days or else free trial period for their such services, which offers you to view your free credit report in Canada online for the said period and after expiring you must sign up to carry on using the same service as paid one and some also offer the same free trial service if not cancelled before the expiry of the said period you automatically becomes there paid member to be liable for the paid subscription. That’s why always carefully read first about the terms and conditions for the said free Canadian credit report offering, you are going to sign for. Some people will use the same service to view their free credit report in Canada and then just cancel their subscription or a membership before the expiry of the said period.

This is how to get your free credit report Canada that also holds your free credit score, its a good way but you have to remember to cancel your membership with the said company before the free trial period will be up, otherwise, they will start charging you for a service that you no longer be using.

The Canadian credit reports and scores offering system in Canada is very similar to that in the United States like we both have two common credit reporting agencies working among us, which are Equifax and TransUnion (Experian, the third one has closed its operations in Canada on April 2009). But there is, however, one main key difference that brings more advantage to us in Canada, is that, unlike the United States, where a consumer is allowed only a single copy of annual free credit report once a year, in Canada, the consumer may order a free copy of their credit report as many times in a year he/she may without any restrictions but as long as the request is made in writing for the printed copy to be delivered by mail. You will find printed statistics on your free credit report that how many times you have received such copies and the good thing is this, it doesn’t bring any effect on your credit score.

For more information on how to build or improve your credit history, and how to check for signs of identity theft along with the sample credit report Canada and credit score documents you may visit the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. The Government of Canada offers a free publication called Understanding Your Credit Report and Credit Score that you can read online free there, you may also order a hard copy of a said publication that is available free of cost to residents of Canada.

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